Our frames are guaranteed for 10 years!
Discover our shelters guaranteed for 10 years in Jura wood! Indeed, at Déco Charpente, to last over time and sustainably support our customers, our frames benefit from a ten-year guarantee.
We prioritize the quality of our frames by producing robust shelters, designed with French wood PEFC certified*.
The company provides follow-up from A to Z with its customers. From design to installation of the frame, we are at your side to advise you.
Finally, our love of a job well done satisfies our customers at 99%.
Ask for your estimate for your shelters guaranteed for 10 years !
PEFC*: PEFC is the leading forest certification system in terms of certified forest areas and the leading source of certified wood in the world.
Déco Charpente carries the accreditation number 10-31-3562