Of design office has the workshop passing through the dealer, our team carries out thoughtful work to meet the requirements of its clients and bring to life the project of their dreams.

We first carry out a 3D plan in our design office, it represents the shelter drink requested by the customer. Once this diagram has been validated, the creation comes to life in our Brignoles workshop. And because the quality of a wooden frame is closely linked to the precision of its machining, Déco Charpente ensures careful finishes down to the millimeter. Thanks to his machining center digitally controlled, the workshop guarantees you products of incomparable quality.

Finally, your shelter is assembled at home by our carpenters business.

It is therefore on a daily basis that professional carpenters, technical managers, machine pilots and installation technicians ensure the successful completion of your projects. Without subcontracting in the respect the environment, and all your requirements, our goal is to ensure the quality and comfort you deserve.

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