There environmental protection remains at the heart of the concerns of a company like ours! That is why Déco Charpente continues its production approach, with PEFC labeled wood

This label guarantees the consumer that the product they purchase comes from responsible sources and that they thus participate in the sustainable forest management

For 20 years, PEFC* maintains the balance between the environmental, societal and economic dimensions of the forest. Particularly with the involvement of 70,000 forest owners and more than 3,000 companies. 

The company wishes, through the use of PEFC labeled wood, make a gesture for the planet.

Our certification.

*PEFC : “The Forest Certification Recognition Program (PEFC) is a private forest certification. It promotes sustainable forest management. PEFC is the leading forest certification system in terms of certified forest areas. But also the first source of certified wood in the world. PEFC certification is based on a process of consultation and consensus between forest owners, wood processing companies, nature protection associations and forest users. » Wikipedia

bois certifiés PEFC