The framework market offer
THE walk of the framework is organized into two sub-parts, one bringing together the manufacturing companies of frames and the other works companies frames. Decoration Frame is, at the same time maker and shelter installer drink custom made !
The construction is a walk dynamic that drives the development of the sector upwards drink. In addition, the resource drink is consistent since it covers 29,2% of the metropolitan territory, or 16.1 million of hectares.
According to'INSEE, next to 60% of French households have a garden or a vegetable garden. In fact, almost all houses built after 1975 have one, i.e. 19.6 million of households.
The surface area of gardens continues to grow over the years and today represents a total surface area ofa million hectares (2% of the area of the national territory). Indeed, the French pay a lot of attention to their garden.
At present, the situation is favorable for the walk of drink, in fact in the face of climate change, demand is growing for products from drink. However, we must have a reasoned approach to preserve this resource.

THE carpentry market is therefore booming ! Now is the ideal time to enter this market by opening a dealership Decoration Frame.
You want to join the adventure, contact us !